The Journey Begins

I think it is safe to say I never thought I would be navigating the cancer world, but then again who does? Before I work my way back to my cancer diagnosis, I want to first and foremost send a huge thank you to my friends and family for all the calls, texts, food, and prayers.  Your encouragement and support have gotten me through these first couple of really hard weeks.

I am still processing how I got here, but let me catch you up for those who may be just joining.  I went for a routine yearly lady check up…you know the one we all love! The doctor did a breast exam and didn’t feel anything abnormal and we scheduled my yearly mammogram.  I went when scheduled and left 10 min later not realizing the turn my path was about to make.  I received a callback that something had been seen in my right breast. They scheduled more scans and an ultrasound on March 16th.  I have always thought I was pretty intuitive and on the way to the appointment I started to cry and have this conversation in my head about telling people I had cancer.  I just knew something wasn’t right and I can’t explain it because I never felt a lump.  The appointment went from scans straight to you need to go to ultrasound  so the radiologist can get a better look at a spot.  The tech performed the ultrasound and there on the screen was the spot plain as day just staring back at me. She left to give the scans to the radiologist. You have heard that saying time stood still…it was frozen for what felt like an eternity.  When the door opened, it was the tech and the radiologist so I knew that was not a good sign.  This is what I heard…a mass, very concerning, surgeon, biopsy, very concerning.  My brain shut down I guess to protect me from information overload. I lost it right then and there.  For those that know me really well, I usually hold my shit together but not this time.  The words hit me like a brick wall. Everything moved quickly after that appointment.  I saw my soon to be surgeon a few days later and we postponed the biopsy until after my Disney trip.

I had to dig deep on that trip and forget about all of this crazy talk of possible cancer. We were waiting to tell the kids until an official diagnosis had been received.  Can you believe I rode every rolller coaster in Disney and most in Universal?  Way outside my comfort zone, but I thought at this point go big or go home.  We had a blast and for several days, I felt free and happy.

Biopsy was performed on March 29th and on March 30th (Good Friday) I received the call confirming I had cancer.  Not really what anyone wants to hear on Easter weekend.  At the same time, what better weekend to hear the news? A weekend where hope is alive and His promise was fulfilled. I hold tight to His promise To never leave me, and I have also learned there is no place like Hope…

All my love…live big today for you never know what tomorrow will bring.


Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


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